First of four criteria listed in the Outstanding Universal Value of the park, as identified by Unesco
A selection of rock art sites in the Drakensberg are indicated on the interactive map below. Please click on the icons for the names and descriptions, as well as relevant contact information needed to arrange for visitation to these sites.
Legislation prohibits any person from approaching within 50m of a rock art site without a permit. Grafitti and vandalism over the last few decades have had a severe impact on many rock art sites. At some the art, which was clearly visible thirty years ago has been obliterated by human intervention. However, in order to give the general public access to rock art, a policy was developed to allow conditional access to a number of sites in the province. In terms of this policy, a limited number of sites have been opened to the public which are the ones detailed on this page.
A custodian policy was developed. An Amafa-trained custodian, who ensures that appropriate behaviour is followed, must accompany all people visiting the "open" sites. The relevant custodians can be found through the interactive map above, as well as on this list of guides. Custodians are not permanently employed by Amafa and charge a fee direct to the visitor. This fee is determined by Amafa and based on the distance to the site. For more information, please visit Amafa's website at:
Maloti-Drakensberg Home | Rock Art Guides
Information compiled by Dr Janette Deacon, Celeste Rossouw and Meridy Pfotenhauer.
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